Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

Item No. a056g00000URaaTAAT
Course Dates Format Duration Time Commitment Price
Mar 26-May 7, 2025 Self-Paced Online (date based) 6 weeks 6-8 hours/week $3,250
May 21-Jul 2, 2025 Self-Paced Online (date based) 6 weeks 6-8 hours/week $3,250
Jul 16-Aug 27, 2025 Self-Paced Online (date based) 6 weeks 6-8 hours/week $3,250
See More Dates


Digital Business

Certificate Credits

2.0 EEUs


- Operations

- Organizations & Leadership

- Strategy & Innovation

Course Highlights

  • This course runs over 6 weeks with an estimated 6-8 hours per week of study time
  • This course is delivered in our Self-Paced Online format which enables you to participate at your own pace within weekly modules
  • You will learn through a variety of formats including: interactive videos, practice quizzes, presentations, assignments, and discussion forums
  • You will have access to a Success Adviser who will help you manage your time, and support you with any administrative or technical queries you might have
  • You will earn a certificate of course completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management


Why attend Artificial Intelligence in Health Care?

In Artificial Intelligence in Health Care, the MIT Sloan School of Management and the MIT J-Clinic aim to equip health care leaders with a grounded understanding of the potential for AI innovations in the health care industry. The course explores types of AI technology, its applications, limitations, and industry opportunities.

The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to transform health care — through the work of both organizational leaders and medical professionals — is increasingly evident as more real-world clinical applications emerge.

As patient data sets become larger, manual analysis is becoming less feasible. AI has the power to efficiently process data far beyond our own capacity, and has already enabled innovation in areas including chemotherapy regimens, patient care, breast cancer risk, and even ICU death prediction.

With this program, the MIT Sloan School of Management and the MIT J-Clinic aims to equip health care leaders with a grounded understanding of the potential for AI innovations in the health care industry. The Artificial Intelligence in Health Care online short course explores types of AI technology, its applications, limitations, and industry opportunities. Techniques like natural language processing, data analytics, and machine learning will be investigated across contexts such as disease diagnosis and hospital management.

Learn more about the self-paced online experience.

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Applying to the course

Enrollment for this course is done through the GetSmarter website. You can begin the application process by using the red Enroll Now bar at the bottom of the screen and clicking on the “Go to GetSmarter Site” button.


Upon successful completion of your course, you will earn a certificate of completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management. This course may also count toward MIT Sloan Executive Certificate requirements.


In this course you will learn

Over the course of six weeks, you’ll develop a holistic understanding of AI’s growing role in health care through an immersive online experience that draws on real-world case studies. You’ll explore how AI strategies have already been successfully deployed within the sector, and learn to ask the right questions when evaluating an AI technique for potential use within your own context.

You’ll gain an overview of the technology before delving into its practical adoption challenges, with regards to both hospital processes and resource management. Guided by MIT faculty and health care experts, you’ll examine the use of AI in diagnosis, patient monitoring and care, and explore how it can be applied to enhance health care data management. You’ll also learn to apply an integrated approach to hospital management and optimization, and develop a framework to assess the viability of using AI within your health care context.


Sample Schedule—Subject to Change

This course aims to empower leaders in both business and medical roles with the knowledge to understand the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in health care. Key learning areas include the basics of machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning. Participants can expect to immediately and directly apply the knowledge gained in this course in their own roles within the health care sector. Professionals working for health care providers will learn to identify the types of problems that AI techniques can help solve.

GetSmarter™, a brand of 2U, Inc., partners with the world's leading universities to select, design and deliver premium online short courses with a data-driven focus on learning gain.

Technology meets academic rigor in our people-mediated model which enables lifelong learners across the globe to obtain industry-relevant skills that are certified by the world’s most reputable academic institutions.

Course Dates Format Duration Time Commitment Price
Mar 26-May 7, 2025 Self-Paced Online (date based) 6 weeks 6-8 hours/week $3,250
May 21-Jul 2, 2025 Self-Paced Online (date based) 6 weeks 6-8 hours/week $3,250
Jul 16-Aug 27, 2025 Self-Paced Online (date based) 6 weeks 6-8 hours/week $3,250
See More Dates


Digital Business

Certificate Credits

2.0 EEUs


- Operations

- Organizations & Leadership

- Strategy & Innovation

Enroll Now!