Making AI Work: Machine Intelligence for Business and Society
Making AI Work: Machine Intelligence for Business and Society
Course Dates | Format | Duration | Time Commitment | Price |
Jun 4-Jul 16, 2025 | Self-Paced Online (date based) | 6 weeks | 6-8 Hours | $3,250 |
Aug 13-Sep 24, 2025 | Self-Paced Online (date based) | 6 weeks | 6-8 Hours | $3,250 |
Nov 19, 2025-Jan 28, 2026 | Self-Paced Online (date based) | 6 weeks | 6-8 Hours | $3,250 |
Strategy and Innovation
Certificate Credits
2.0 EEUs
- Organizations & Leadership
- Strategy & Innovation
Course Highlights:
- This course runs over 6 weeks with an estimated 6-8 hours per week of study time
- This course is delivered in our Self-Paced Online format which enables you to participate at your own pace within weekly modules
- You will learn through a variety of formats including: interactive videos, practice quizzes, presentations, assignments, and discussion forums
- You will have access to a Success Adviser who will help you manage your time, and support you with any administrative or technical queries you might have
- You will earn a certificate of course completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management
Why attend Making AI Work?:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool, capable of improving decision-making in industries as diverse as health care, law, security, criminal justice, and social media. However, AI and machine learning (ML) cannot be separated from their human or societal context and the technology is often unable to transcend human bias, mistakes, adversaries, and behavior. In addition, AI technologies create a range of unintended social and economic consequences, from polarization and spread of misinformation to inequality and joblessness. A holistic approach to AI and its individual, organizational, and societal implications is necessary to understand how to best use and regulate this new technology for the good of all.
Course Experience:
The Making AI Work: Machine Intelligence for Business and Society online short course from the MIT Sloan School of Management and the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing helps you to navigate this complex landscape. Over six weeks, you’ll explore the technical and strategic considerations for robust, beneficial, and responsible AI deployment. You’ll examine the various stages of a proprietary ML Deployment Framework and unlock new opportunities by investigating the key challenges and their related impact. Guided by leading experts and MIT academics, you’ll build a toolkit for addressing these challenges within your own organization and context.
Learn more about the self-paced online experience.
Learn more about the GetSmarter course experience. Learn more about GetSmarter technical requirements.
Applying to the course:
Enrollment for this course is done through the GetSmarter website. You can begin the application process by using the red Enroll Now bar at the bottom of the screen and clicking on the “Go to GetSmarter Site” button.
Upon successful completion of your course, you will earn a certificate of completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management. This course may also count toward MIT Sloan Executive Certificate requirements.
In this course you'll:
- Gain a practical framework: Use a proprietary MIT ML Deployment Framework to examine the impact of AI across its entire design pipeline.
- Make a positive impact: Develop a strategy for AI implementation that’s effective, as well as safe and sensible for individuals, organizations, and society, based on strategic and technical guidance from experts.
- Enhance AI Systems Performance: Understand the vulnerabilities of AI systems, and explore the steps necessary to imbue these systems with robustness and privacy.
- Improve AI Decisions: Mitigate bias, inequity, and overconfidence by understanding and preparing for the common pitfalls of algorithmic decision-making.
Sample Schedule—Subject to Change
This program is designed for those in leadership positions in both the private and public sector who need to think strategically about data, AI, and the broader impact of technology. Business leaders tasked with making decisions about the deployment of AI technologies will be empowered to guide their organizations toward effective and responsible innovation. The program aims to equip them with the skills to turn predictions into decisions and manage a variety of AI’s societal impacts — especially as AI increasingly automates work and decision-making. It would also benefit technical professionals with existing AI and machine learning expertise looking to upskill in order to design better, more human-centered models. This program also serves to bridge the knowledge and communication gap between both groups of participants.
GetSmarter™, a brand of 2U, Inc., partners with the world's leading universities to select, design and deliver premium online short courses with a data-driven focus on learning gain.
Technology meets academic rigor in our people-mediated model which enables lifelong learners across the globe to obtain industry-relevant skills that are certified by the world’s most reputable academic institutions.
Course Dates | Format | Duration | Time Commitment | Price |
Jun 4-Jul 16, 2025 | Self-Paced Online (date based) | 6 weeks | 6-8 Hours | $3,250 |
Aug 13-Sep 24, 2025 | Self-Paced Online (date based) | 6 weeks | 6-8 Hours | $3,250 |
Nov 19, 2025-Jan 28, 2026 | Self-Paced Online (date based) | 6 weeks | 6-8 Hours | $3,250 |
Strategy and Innovation
Certificate Credits
2.0 EEUs
- Organizations & Leadership
- Strategy & Innovation